For validating entries and submissions for our bounty campaign, we will need to verify that all steps have been followed as we required in each one of our Forms, and somehow helps with adding value to BITSTAKING LTD. In order to filter spammy submissions we will only consider submissions from trustworty members, want to become one? Read below.
Become a trustworthy
member - Do at least (3).
Create your account
in Bitstaking
Don't do a submission if you
haven't followed the rules.
Post any post on Facebook page and earn $0.5 or more
Share to any cryptocurrency related group related to more than 5000 members on any Facebook page, and get 0.5 USD or more BTC. "Share to group"
Post any tweet about on the Twitter page to earn $0.5 or more
Earn $0.5 or more for each meaningful comment to any of our tweets
Share any image about on Instagram page and earn $1 or more
Earn $1 or more for each meaningful comment to any of our Instagram posts
Earn from $2.5 to $1000 for YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook. review of, the more channel subscribers, the higher viewers watch and the bigger payment
Earn starting from $3 or more for writing about in your blog
Step 1 - Make a blog review about
Step 2 - Blog post must have a minimum of 500 words.
Step 3 - Blog post must be authentic and genuine.
Step 4 - Blog post must have your referral link on the very last part of the blog post.
Step 5 - Blog post must have these hashtags on the very last part of the blog post. #Bitstaking, #Bounty.
Step 6 - Submit your informations:
Earn +20% on your total Google ads cost.
Step 1 - Create google ads for Search/Display or any type of ads for bitstaking,io.
Step 2 - Submit Google ads report in PDF File format.
Earn from $2.5 to $5000 for placing one of our banners somewhere in a visible place of your Website
Step 1 - Place one of our banners that can be located at at Promotional Tools
Step 2 - Grab the Banner URL for the desired size.
Step 3 - Send us a direct link to view the page where the banner has been placed. We will review if your website or blog has visitors and therefore we will send the amount according to your traffic.
After you complete an assignment, fill in the appropriate form. Our staff will verify the data and award you the bounty within 7 days if the task was completed correctly. However, if the quality of your submission doesn't meet our requirements, the bounty will be rejected until it meets the minimal conditions. You'll find the reason why we rejected your work in the bounty results sheet.